Friday 17 August 2007

My new Polymer Beads page is Open!

Well, I've finally managed to finish my polymer clay bead page, I finally found that hyperlink button!!! Sorry I was a day late opening!!! At the moment I have only one set uploaded to the web, but I have some beads here waiting to go into the oven, and hope to make some more tonight, so watch this space!!!

I've been busy today, spent the day with my hubbie's cousin, helping to take care of her new baby, she is now 33 days old, but she cries quite a lot, it's unbelievable the different ideas they have in Turkey about babies, and how you should look after them, when I had my daughter, I was toren between what they were saying and what I knew from England!! Here's a photo of the baby, she's so cute isn't she!!! Had a lovely day!

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